
Monday 26 October 2015

Loving it - week twenty

No pictures!!!

Okay so there was a burglary at the beginning of the week and Ben's damn fine camera was stolen, along with some other stuff, so i'm gonna struggle to fill this post with any pics! Hence, the boring post.

I am of course loving the fact that nobody in the family was hurt as a result of the break-in, which happened while we were at work and school, especially little Olive, who must have been wondering what the hell was going on when people were lugging our TV down the hall.

But on the not so good side it meant hours of locksmiths, builders, insurance assessors, and two little people who are suddenly quite fearful.

Still, such is life.  My third burglary this year, so i'm assuming my theft trifecta is complete!

I'm currently loving being in the garden.  It's not really warm enough, but I no longer care.  Beds are being built and plants are going in. It's so exciting! I have visions of feeding the masses all with stuff we have grown ourselves! So far its just strawberries, rhubarb, rocket, bok choy, peas, lettuce, spring onions, squash and a zucchini, but there are plans to add tomatoes, chillies, an eggplant and more herbs into the mix.  Basically anything we can squeeze in, anywhere!

I'm also loving the Happier app. I have just started using it and I find it really good as a way of pausing and thinking about some of the things I am grateful for. If you're looking for a way to keep the positive juices flowing, I'd definitely recommend it. It's great for the ego when your happy moments make other people smile (almost as good as instagram likes!)

I'm loving online shopping as well. Honestly, I am ticking shit off the Christmas list like never before, and it's so much fun because you come home from work and there's a package for you (OK, so not technically for you, but you get to unwrap it in the first instance- thrill!!) and it is a little treat to brighten up the afternoon.

The weekend just gone, I ever so selflessly let my girls go off with their dad to a family reunion, so I took off to Tairua for the long weekend. It was a pretty great way to spend three days... more on that soon xx

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