Another double whammy, my new found blogging specialty!
The weeks whizz by so fast and I keep forgetting to take photos which is pretty dumb. But we did take some of our delicious barley risotto from the other night, so I've treated you to a few of those.
Ben and the girls and I were down in Tairua, the weekend before last, at one of the prettiest beach spots anywhere, but we had forgotten to bring the camera so couldn't get any shots other than my Instagram ones. Boo.
Anyway, regardless of the lack of photography, our weekend was still an awesome one, take my word for it. We had a practice run at putting up our tent, which went pretty well. It's massive but so hot inside, we only lasted about five minutes before we aborted our tent mission.
We also went to Otara Bay for the day and had a picnic of strawberries, yoghurt, and marmite and chippie sandwiches. Mmmmmmmmmm.
Mila and Ben both braved the water and Bug and I got about knee-deep, which is an achievement for us.
The next day, we headed to Ocean Beach for one last swim and a spot of hard core shell collecting (again Ben and Mila did the swimming, Bug and I did the peripheral collecting) and then we made our way back to Auckland, stopping at Piako Pete's for some fresh smoked fish on the way.
Epic summery Kiwi weekend quite frankly.
The weekend just gone was a little different, it was just me and Ben and it was pretty errand heavy!
I caught up with my lovely friend Hannah on the Friday and what was supposed to be a business planning night was really just a wine-drinking gossipy night, but great nonetheless! We shall just have to get down to business next time..
On Saturday Ben and I house-hunted for a new rental (slightly soul-destroying) and also went out to Martha's Backyard to buy some Christmas presents and various hot sauces. We also went to the local hospice shop and scored a new puzzle, which we are currently working our way through, slightly hampered by our naughty cat who is hellbent on destroying it.
So anyway, that's been my life of late.
Had a little bit of anxiety about future housing, work, money and my weight, but I'm trying to stay positive. The Universe has a plan and all that!
So in the spirit of positivity, I thought I would finish by listing a few things I'm grateful for right here and now:
Um, so the roof over my head is a good place to start. So grateful for a nice house with nice things and nice human beings (and occasionally a nice cat) inside.
I'm grateful for my early morning cuddles with Mila. She's our small, dark alarm clock (my mother's very apt description of her when she was a toddler) and I love her for it. It's also our rare opportunity to cuddle without the four-year-old getting in the middle.
I'm grateful for my health, which seems to be slowly improving day by day. I've seen my new naturopath a couple of times now and she's given me some fairly rank muck to drink and then these other drops which make my water taste like pool water, but it seems to be helping. Everyday I sneeze a little less and use a few less tissues. Sneeze-free by summer? Well, just maybe....
And lastly I'm grateful for big dreams and my crazy imagination. In the last couple of weeks I've envisioned the best job ever and furnished a beautiful house in my mind at least a hundred times. Always so much fun!
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