
Monday 31 August 2015

Loving it - week fifteen

I have the week off - Hurrah!

Annoyingly I've got sick, but I refuse to let that get me down. I've kinda made the most of the last two days- got my hair done, caught up with my friend Hannah and her cute-as-a-button twins Max and Stella, and I've managed to pick the girls up at 3 both days, which is novel for all of us.

In typical Kate fashion, I had a list of things to let you know about that were well worth loving and were keeping my spirits high, but alas I've totally forgotten them (The two little people crowding me out on the couch don't help, or hearing Elsa sing Let it Go for the one trillionth time!)

I went up to Orewa on the weekend and saw John who has moved back into his home to be cared for there. He's doing ok, but breathless as anything.  The girls and I also hung out with Viv and Luca and ate chips and drank wine- great way to end a Sunday, even if you are sick.

Last week we booked our camping trip which is exciting,  even though we don't have a tent, chairs, or any kind of equipment really!

Ben made mexican spiced beef cheeks on Saturday and we tried to make burritos, but they were way too big and made a bit of a mess. The flavours were ace though. We also watched The Princess Bride (mainly for the adults' benefit I think).

On Sunday we got dumplings from Mr Zhous, another thing to love.

I've decided I've got horribly out of shape this winter, so am working on being a little more healthy moving forward into summer- I've gotta get moving! Am doing ok so far this weekend, did some yoga yesterday and am hitting the pool with Viv tomorrow.... but still, as ever the thing with me is actually sticking to the plan. Oh and cutting out the cake- this trips me up EVERY. TIME. Anyway, I've decided to love making plans with the best of intentions, it's always so fun at the start.

PS: if you're wondering about the pic it is a throw back shot of Samoa. I am without camera this week as Ben has taken it to Queenstown for work. (It's a terrible pic, I mainly put it in to see if my mum or sister ever read my blog, cos I feel like they will be outraged ;))

Sunday 23 August 2015

Loving it- week thirteen and fourteen

Another double whammy coming at ya, because as per usual, I coudn't get my a into g last week!

I feel like I have had a busy two weeks of not doing much but feeling exhausted nonetheless - ever have one of those?

The weekend before last, my dad came up and we went and watched the All Blacks at Eden Park. It was heaps of fun, they totally wasted Australia and we had great seats. Kingsland was crazy busy that night; we got a lift in around 5pm and it was impossible to get in anywhere pretty much. Thankfully we managed to squeeze in at Citizen Park and have a few drinks before the match.

Ben and I made haloumi burgers on Friday night for dinner, which were really good.  We have made them quite a few times and always reckon that if we ever had a burger making biz they would be our go to vege burger option. They are pretty simple but so tasty- portobello mushrooms, haloumi, roasted peppers, mayo, onion and a green. 

I took dad to swimming on Saturday and thankfully June-bug got over her sudden water fears and got involved with her lesson. The last couple of times had been kind of pathetic on her part; a lot of refusing to hop in and then refusing to participate- so annoying when you know she can swim pretty well for a four-year-old! However, this weekend just gone by,, Anton informed she once again refused to get in the water and to quote Anton "Bug is done with swimming".  UGH.  I'm gonna take her this weekend and push her in. Maybe.... probably not! It is tempting though.

This weekend just gone by was pretty low key. I worked the Saturday and babysat my nieces, who are little well-behaved blonde angels. We ate brisket, which Ben had smoked all day in his weber with coleslaw, bbq sauce in fresh bread rolls and we watched Guardians of the Galaxy at the girls request (I may or may not have dozed off for the most part).

On Sunday, Ben and I had one of those 'get shit done' type days, which involved markets, supermarket, briscoes for a toaster, rebel sports for a yoga mat and Real Groovy for some record perusal.  I bought two rippers (as pictured) for a whopping $7.  What a bargain hunter.

Anyhoo, here's some stuff I have been loving of late, listed in no particular order...

First up, I have started watching The Walking Dead's first season and subsequently have had a whole series of zombie apocalypse extreme survival-type dreams.  
At a glance this would not seem like the series for me, but I'm totally hooked on it. The new spin-off series starring Cliff Curtis starts tonight and I'm pretty amped on that too.

Some other things I'm grateful for this week include: having my girls for an extra night this week (thanks Anton), rediscovering chocolate ice cream, my daily eight thirty coffee, hot water bottles and topshop tights (honestly, they are the best). John came off his medication a week ago but is doing remarkably well. So well, in fact he is heading home today to continue his respite care at home. Another week with John about is definitely something to love.

Also, Little Sister in Henderson is a recent discovery and it is so good. I would recommend anyone who finds themselves in that part of the world to head there asap for Kokako coffee, great breakfast options and the most enticing cabinet food you've ever clapped eyes on.

Also, whileIi'm giving a shout out to yummy places to eat, I have to mention Musashi in New Lynn as well.  Ben and I went there for date night on Fri and it was so good. We sat at the back at a long granite bench and got a shared menu for two with Beef Sukiyaki, green salad and Agedashi tofu as our mains.  The presentation of the beef had extremely high novelty value- it comes in a little pot and cooks down at your table.  It was all really tasty, prettily presented and worth the money (imo).  Also, it's BYO which always gets a big tick from us!

And there you have it, two weeks of stuff rolled into one little ole blog post. Have a happy week everyone x

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Loving it - week twelve

Talofa!  Having just returned from a week-long tropical holiday with my mum and sister, I'm finding plenty to love this week, but the Auckland weather doesn't feature! (Oh my god, it's so fricken cold here right now, I feel like I could actually perish at night.)

None of our group of three had ever been to Samoa before, and I can't understand why because it's pretty awesome. We stayed on the southern coast at Coconuts Beach Club and spent most of our time either lounging around the resort, eating at another joint down the road or tiki-touring in our rental car across the island.

I was the sole driver and frankly, the driving was exhausting at times due to the sheer amount of pot-holes in the road. The locals ambling along the road three abreast are a hazard unto themselves as well.

Highlights for me included a waterfall we visited on our last day in the O le Pupu-Pue National Park.  I was a bit too scared to jump in, but I did swim and the water was amazing, as was all the bush around.  This was the one spot where I saw a lot of lizards too. 

Oka was another trip favourite, none of us could get enough of this dish and at least one person ordered it at every meal pretty much. Oka was always raw tuna marinated in coconut milk with various additions like tomato, cucumber, chili, coriander and lemon. The best thing to eat in the searing heat.

Although the food at our resort was a bit hit and miss (actually pretty bad), their Fia Fia night was really fun and despite the torrential downpour through out dinner the performers kept us entertained with heaps of songs, dances and fire twirling, licking and dancing (this probably has a proper name). 

Coconuts also made epic cocktails and Harriet and I did a great job of working our way through a big chunk of the list, and the staff were friendly, accommodating and sweet. In fact one girl helped Harriet in a medical emergency by taking us back to her house to find supplies because they had run out at the hotel.  At Sinelei we managed to befriend a waiter who hugged us all good bye when we had our last dinner there on Sunday night, he was a total sweetheart who seemed to really like my mum and who's last words were "goodbye palangi."

Like most holidays I go on, I kept thinking about how much my kids would love it there- the heat, the water, the wild surrounds make a pretty perfect kids' playground and there was so much to do that we never got round to that I can't wait to find the time and money to go back with the fambam in tow. 


On a sadder (much, much sadder) note, my step dad John has gone into hospice for the final time to be made comfortable as he finally succumbs to his horrible degenerative lung condition. I have been up to see him twice and the last time he was unable to really speak as he has decided to go off his antibiotics, which are basically prolonging his life. 

The amazing team at hospice are keeping him comfortable and relaxed and he is able to sleep most of the day. It's really too hard to talk about or accept and in this situation there is nothing to love, there's only a terrible sense of grief. 

Monday 3 August 2015

Loving it - week ten and eleven

A double whammy this week, due in part to general slackness and general busyness!  So much has happened since I last touched base including a new job offer, which I accepted.  So, in one month's time I shall be heading over to Auckland Council to work out a one-year contract working on their library website.  I'm pretty excited about the new opportunities that lie ahead and figure it's a step on the path to self-employment (aka world domination of the webby kind).

The weekend before last, Anton and I took the girls to see Disney princesses on ice, which was actually pretty cool.  A total overload of young girls all frocked up and high on sugar. The best part of the whole thing was managing to keep it a secret from Juno and Mila, who right up to our arrival at vector genuinely thought we were just all going to get coffee 'as a family'.  Parenting win for us!

Other fun events last weekend included dinner out with our friends Simon and Viv on the Friday and dinner at Ben's friends house on Saturday to fare him well before he went off to Europe.

This weekend that has just gone has been a good one too.  We took the girls down to Tauranga to see my dad and checked out the Mount, went for a swim at Welcome Bay pools (my favourite), hit the Tauranga Farmers' Market, made Lemon Meringue Pie for dinner, took a ride on a miniature train and just generally had fun with grandad. 

So, in honour of my busy two weeks, here's some things I'm loving at present...

I bought a new swimsuit in preparation for my trip to Samoa this week and I love them.  Black and kinda slimming i think?  I didn't cry in the changing rooms anyway, so that's a win!

I also got some new makeup, which i love.  Nars foundation and Stila primer. I'm determined to learn how to put make-up on like a proper adult and not a kid that raided her mum's makeup bag.

I'm loving Jamie Oliver's bircher muesli recipe, which we have been eating for breakfast for the last couple of weeks. We take it to work with stewed fruits and it is really good. And actually keeps me full- success!

I got a hard copy of the Kings Seeds catalogue, which makes for great reading and planning and plotting and dreaming. Kind keen to grow my own loofahs at some point....

And lastly I'm loving weekends out of Auckland with my crew. Fun times x