
Monday 3 August 2015

Loving it - week ten and eleven

A double whammy this week, due in part to general slackness and general busyness!  So much has happened since I last touched base including a new job offer, which I accepted.  So, in one month's time I shall be heading over to Auckland Council to work out a one-year contract working on their library website.  I'm pretty excited about the new opportunities that lie ahead and figure it's a step on the path to self-employment (aka world domination of the webby kind).

The weekend before last, Anton and I took the girls to see Disney princesses on ice, which was actually pretty cool.  A total overload of young girls all frocked up and high on sugar. The best part of the whole thing was managing to keep it a secret from Juno and Mila, who right up to our arrival at vector genuinely thought we were just all going to get coffee 'as a family'.  Parenting win for us!

Other fun events last weekend included dinner out with our friends Simon and Viv on the Friday and dinner at Ben's friends house on Saturday to fare him well before he went off to Europe.

This weekend that has just gone has been a good one too.  We took the girls down to Tauranga to see my dad and checked out the Mount, went for a swim at Welcome Bay pools (my favourite), hit the Tauranga Farmers' Market, made Lemon Meringue Pie for dinner, took a ride on a miniature train and just generally had fun with grandad. 

So, in honour of my busy two weeks, here's some things I'm loving at present...

I bought a new swimsuit in preparation for my trip to Samoa this week and I love them.  Black and kinda slimming i think?  I didn't cry in the changing rooms anyway, so that's a win!

I also got some new makeup, which i love.  Nars foundation and Stila primer. I'm determined to learn how to put make-up on like a proper adult and not a kid that raided her mum's makeup bag.

I'm loving Jamie Oliver's bircher muesli recipe, which we have been eating for breakfast for the last couple of weeks. We take it to work with stewed fruits and it is really good. And actually keeps me full- success!

I got a hard copy of the Kings Seeds catalogue, which makes for great reading and planning and plotting and dreaming. Kind keen to grow my own loofahs at some point....

And lastly I'm loving weekends out of Auckland with my crew. Fun times x

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