
Monday 31 August 2015

Loving it - week fifteen

I have the week off - Hurrah!

Annoyingly I've got sick, but I refuse to let that get me down. I've kinda made the most of the last two days- got my hair done, caught up with my friend Hannah and her cute-as-a-button twins Max and Stella, and I've managed to pick the girls up at 3 both days, which is novel for all of us.

In typical Kate fashion, I had a list of things to let you know about that were well worth loving and were keeping my spirits high, but alas I've totally forgotten them (The two little people crowding me out on the couch don't help, or hearing Elsa sing Let it Go for the one trillionth time!)

I went up to Orewa on the weekend and saw John who has moved back into his home to be cared for there. He's doing ok, but breathless as anything.  The girls and I also hung out with Viv and Luca and ate chips and drank wine- great way to end a Sunday, even if you are sick.

Last week we booked our camping trip which is exciting,  even though we don't have a tent, chairs, or any kind of equipment really!

Ben made mexican spiced beef cheeks on Saturday and we tried to make burritos, but they were way too big and made a bit of a mess. The flavours were ace though. We also watched The Princess Bride (mainly for the adults' benefit I think).

On Sunday we got dumplings from Mr Zhous, another thing to love.

I've decided I've got horribly out of shape this winter, so am working on being a little more healthy moving forward into summer- I've gotta get moving! Am doing ok so far this weekend, did some yoga yesterday and am hitting the pool with Viv tomorrow.... but still, as ever the thing with me is actually sticking to the plan. Oh and cutting out the cake- this trips me up EVERY. TIME. Anyway, I've decided to love making plans with the best of intentions, it's always so fun at the start.

PS: if you're wondering about the pic it is a throw back shot of Samoa. I am without camera this week as Ben has taken it to Queenstown for work. (It's a terrible pic, I mainly put it in to see if my mum or sister ever read my blog, cos I feel like they will be outraged ;))

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