
Sunday 7 June 2015

Loving it - week three

It's been a funny kinda week out here in Avondale...  After the long weekend slipped by, my grandmother also slipped away and then suddenly it was a Tuesday and only four working days stretched out ahead of me and at the end of the road there was meant to be a kitten.  But alas!  The following forks in the road followed... Illness and a sickie on Wednesday threw a spanner in the works and then on Thursday the cat breeder rang to say our wee poppet has really bad diarrhea and couldn't be collected on Friday after all and we would have to wait till Wednesday. Ugh!  Major disappointment.  Still, despite this, I have managed to find a fair few things to be thankful about this week.

First up is the unexpected fancy breakfast you can allow yourself to have when you are 'sick at home'  (no honestly, I was sick). On Wednesday, once my early morning school run was done and the emails had been sent and the coffee drunk, I turned my attention to making a bang-up brunch and I was completely satisfied with the end result. One piece of multi-grain bred, some feijoa chutney, delicious ham, avocado, rocket and a fried egg - what's not love about that?

The next thing I'm loving is a Friday night date with Ben, which really just consisted of wine, burgers and the telly at home... So good though! Sometimes it's all you need to kick a shitty week to the kerb. We made epic cheeseburgers with ingredients we picked up from Farro in Grey Lynn (a spot we don't get to much, now we're westies) and we listened to the new Florence and the Machine album while we cooked, which was another thing worthy of some lovin'. Long live child-free, slightly boozy, food-filled Fridays I say.

Last but certainly not least, I wanna give a shout out to family fun times, a concept I reckon we in our tri-surnamed household have down pat.  Today it was a trip to Avondale markets before home for a cooked brekkie and then out to the art gallery and later Silo Park. The girls love the art gallery and we spent an easy hour there checking out the new Laurence Aberhart exhibition and the Lisa Reihana work on the second floor.  They also loved the interactive light display in the kids section on the mezzanine and the gift shop (naturally). After our art gallery fun times, we headed down to Silo Park, which is another cool place for little people. The girls went nuts on slides, astroturf hills, swings, sand pits and what not and we also got to check out some cool photography festival exhibitions in the silos. Lunch was fish and chips form the seafood market; salty, crispy and drenched in vinegar and tomato sauce - perfection.

(Shout out to Ben for taking great pics at the gallery today xx)

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